Monday, November 30, 2009

HP DSS Software - ( v. 4.0 ) - complete package ( T1936AA#UA0 )

Item #: 203227. HP Digital Sending Software 4.0 improves core business processes. Digital sending streamlines critical business document handling and integrates with existing IT infrastructures to maximize return, mitigate risk, and improve ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques (Kindle Edition)

This textbook addresses students, professionals, lecturers and researchers interested in software product line engineering. With more than 100 examples and about 150 illustrations, the authors describe in detail the essential foundations, principles ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Managing Software Engineering Knowledge (Kindle Edition)

Software development is a complex problem-solving activity with a high level of uncertainty. There are many technical challenges concerning scheduling, cost estimation, reliability, performance, etc, which are further aggravated by weaknesses such ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Domain Modeling-Based Software Engineering: A Formal Approach (Kindle Edition)

Many approaches have been proposed to enhance software productivity and reliability. These approaches typically fall into three categories: the engineering approach, the formal approach, and the knowledge-based approach. The optimal gain in software ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

NeatReceipts Scanner and Software for Expense Management and Reporting

From the Manufacturer: NeatReceipts is the easiest way for individuals to organize finances, track expenses, prepare for taxes, and create and send expense reports. The NeatReceipts package includes the proprietary NeatReceipts software along with a ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Punch Software Punch! Interior Design Suite

Punch Software Punch! Interior Design Suite Punch! Interior Design Suite takes the best of all Punch! Software features, adds powerful new technologies, includes top home improvement manufacturer product libraries and combines them all into one ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ISO/IEC 18019:2004, Software and system engineering - Guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software (Paperback)

ISO/IEC 18019:2004 provides guidelines for the design and preparation of user documentation for application software. It describes how to establish what information users need, how to determine the way in which that information should be presented ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Software Product Management Essentials (Kindle Edition)

In an economy where efficiency and delivery are key, Software Product Management Essentials is required reading for any software product manager. Software Product Management Essentials is a hands-on guide to help new product managers sift through ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Neuro-Teacher Software Network Version Multi User License

Neuro-Teacher Software Network Version Multi User License 3B NEUROteacherâ„¢ Software, Network License The 3B NEUROteacherâ„¢ is a new and worldwide unique software lecture tool on DVD-ROM to prepare and execute lectures in Neuro Anatomy. The complex ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

QuickBooks Point of Sale 4.0 Basic Solutions for Retailers Hardware/Software Bundle

QB POS 4.0 BASIC RETAILERS Hardware and Software bundle. Includes POS Basic Software v4.0 and the POS hardware bundle which includes Receipt Printer, Cash Drawer, Bar Code Scanner and Credit card reader. MODEL- ITICD00950WI VENDOR- INTUIT, INC. ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cardscan Team Edition V8 1-user Pack Of Software

Item #: K97762. CardScan Software brings your address book to life. CardScan Software makes the task of updating your contact information easy. As your contacts update their information, a red flag appears in your address book. Simply click to ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mariner Software Paperless Receipt Management - Macintosh

Paper, paper, everywhere. It accumulates in drawers, on desks, in bins. Process those little store receipts and bills into paperless documents. Manage your receipts using Paperless. A while ago, someone said that we would soon be a paperless society ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Software, Edius Pro 4.0

MODEL- 770-10194-100 VENDOR- CANOPUS FEATURES- EDIUS Pro NLE 4 Software Grass Valley EDIUS Pro NLE software for editing DV, HDV, HD. Whether you are working with standard definition or high definition video, Grass Valley EDIUS Pro NLE software frees ...(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scholar's Library CD-ROM - Logos Bible Software 3

Scholar's Library is a value-priced collection of texts and tools for serious Bible study using Greek, Hebrew, and English resources. It is the best value in Bible software today with more than 330 Bibles and Bible Reference titles worth over ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, November 16, 2009

BigScreenLive Software, Makes Computers and Internet Easy to Use [New Version]

Clear: Brings email, photo sharing, shopping, game playing and more right to you with a clean, consistent and easy to use design BigScreenLive: Empowering Seniors - Connecting Families. At BigScreenLive, we empower seniors to use the best of the ...(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greeting Cards for Dummies & Digital Photos for Dummies PC CD ROM Software by Atari

The highly successful "for Dummies" series has finally expanded into the interactive software world. Not only can Digital Photos for Dummies explain techniques and ideas to help to get the most out of your digital camera, it also provides simple to ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Caro-Kann Defense, Chess Opening Software DVD

The Caro-Kann is considered to be one of the safest and most reliable replies to 1.e4. So it comes as no surprise that in the list of top players who have made use of this defense there are no fewer than four World Champions: Botvinnik, Petrosian, ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Software glitch hits company registrations - Contractor UK

Software glitch hits company registrations
Contractor UK
A software glitch has delayed the time it takes to register a new company name, with applicants waiting weeks for a process that normally takes just a few ...

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

DERC wants NDMC to install special software - Times of India

DERC wants NDMC to install special software
Times of India
SCADA is a supervisory control and data acquisition software which controls power cuts and can help discoms in finding the fault within their distribution ...
Parallel meters to be installed to counter inflated bills of Reliance Indian Power Sector News

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In boost for economy, companies spend on equipment - The Associated Press

The Associated Press

In boost for economy, companies spend on equipment
The Associated Press
For the first time in nearly two years, companies ponied up more money for a category called "equipment and software" in the third quarter of the year. ...

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Storm directors 'leased aircraft but client software unimproved' -

Storm directors 'leased aircraft but client software unimproved'
THE directors of failed Storm Financial splashed out on an aircraft lease but did not have funds to develop their software to protect their clients¿ ...
Investors pay price as Storm staff take to skies Brisbane Times

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Social Software: The Other 'Design for Social Impact,' by Gentry Underwood -

Social Software: The Other 'Design for Social Impact,' by Gentry Underwood
Depending on how you see it, social software is either all the rage or so 2008. You know the stuff: Facebook, myspace, Twitter, youtube, Flickr, Foursquare. ...

and more »
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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Primera intros ptpublisher burning and printing software for Mac -

Primera intros ptpublisher burning and printing software for Mac
ptpublisher for Mac is billed as a new, easy-to-use yet fully-featured burning and printing software program written specifically for use with Mac OS X 10.5 ...
Primera Announces PTPublisher™ for Mac® (press release)

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Apple TV 3.0 software released -

TG Daily

Apple TV 3.0 software released
Apple said the free software update will feature a redesigned menu that will make it easier for users to find and download movies, ...
Apple Brings Apple TV 3.0 Software Update ITProPortal
New Apple TV Software Thelatest News
Apple TV 3.0 software announced Coolest Gadgets
Inquirer  - CNET News  - Wired News
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